Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I had fun sorting these apples, getting them ready for making apple sauce. There were good apples and bad apples, apples of different colors and sizes. But despite those differences, they altogether made a good display, and, by the way, a good mixture for apple sauce. We humans too can be a good mix. The world is made up of peoples of different cultures, different personalities, different strengths and weaknesses, different colors and sizes, different ways of thinking, different abilities, different beliefs. If we take the time, however, to put ourselves in order (individually and collectively) we can make a beautiful picture of humanity: working together, understanding, sharing, caring, helping and loving. Shouldn't that be a recipe for success?

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Beautiful little water fall (photo taken on a trip a couple years ago).  Notice the walking path just below it, and the stairs that will lead you out. To get from the left end of the path to the other, one must cross over, directly under the water fall. One will get wet and feel miserable for just a moment, but it is worth it, as much more beauty lies on the other side just above the stairs. But one must first be courageous and cross over and up. Life is like that. One must endure the things that cross our path, things that might be considered obstacles; and one must perhaps feel a little miserable for a while, but the journey to the other side of life's obstacles is well worth it. Call the crossing through the obstacle miserable if you want, but perhaps we can rethink that: if we strive to make it through, and make it, call it refreshing.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Time

This is my favorite time of year, particularly as we celebrate our Savior's birth through the singing of carols, the display of Christmas decorations, the exchange of gifts, cards, etc. My lasting good memories of childhood are associated with Christmas time: Christmas trees displayed through people's front windows throughout the neighborhood, the bright bulbs and lights hanging on those trees, the door-to-door caroling, inspirational music, the joy of exchanging gifts. Growing up I remember the stories of armies holding ceasefires at Christmas time, of even enemies exchanging Christmas greetings. However, those lulls in fighting were not to last; but they could have. May we all enjoy this Christmas season. May you feel the excitement of the sounds and sights of Christmas. But most of all, may you feel the love of our Savior who came into this world to live and to die for us so that we may find joy. May we all feel that joy and hold our own ceasefires this coming year and be peacemakers to all of those around us -- and may it last!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Cold

Here is a closeup of a bush just off my front porch.  It may have been cold outdoors, but I could not hesitate to  capture the beauty of what cold can do, not only to this bush, but to us. It not only can make us shiver, but it can also wake up our senses and cause us to be reminded and amazed at what nature can create; it can trigger a gratitude for life. This is another example of momentary beauty, as it was gone minutes later. We can enjoy each moment of our lives, if we only stop occasionally and capture the moment. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Winter's First Big Snow

Winter's first big snow is always beautiful. This photo was taken off my front porch (a mature Fat Albert is on the left, a young Japanese Maple is in the foreground). Much more snow will come as winter progresses. The pressure of the snow will continue to weigh down the branches of these trees, but because of that pressure, if the trees endure, they will be much stronger in the coming year for having done so. May we all endure the current pressures of our lives, so as to be stronger in the years ahead. While doing so, take time to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.

Monday, December 2, 2013


This photo was taken near where I lived and worked while in Iraq.  The country was war-torn (and still is) and it was difficult finding some beauty in all that mess and confusion.  But this tree, all alone amongst the turmoil, stood out in its own reflection as something beautiful to behold. Too many people in the world often feel alone, confused and feel too much turmoil around them. Regardless, they are beautiful people!

If we all look at ourselves in a mirror's reflection, we will note something quite beautiful, not so much through our outward appearance, but through seeing that we are a living soul, fully capable from birth of possessing a loving and kind heart, compassion and understanding for others, and for doing good in this troubled world. Sometimes it takes stepping away from the mirror in order to take the focus off of our own self and to focus on and recognize the beauty that is within everyone on this earth, regardless of their race, beliefs, status, etc. We all can do good. What goes around, comes around, and others will see our own beauty if we were to do that. And in doing that, this world would be a far better place, with less turmoil and strife and hurt. Let's do our part in making the world a more beautiful place! Do that, and the times you look at your reflection, you will see an amazingly beautiful person.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Water Lilies

No, this is not a game of Pac Man. I took this photo towards evening just a few miles up the road near Point of the Mountain. This pond was covered with these simple, but beautiful, plants. They are called by several names: lily pads, water lilies, lotuses. Notice the notch, which occurs in only two (I believe) of several genera of this plant. As I understand it, the flower appears during the day, but, upon closing during the end of day, disappears under the water. Isn't nature simply beautiful!